Saturday, September 17, 2011

Miyazaki(sorta) Reviews(kinda): (half of) Whisper of the Heart

 Kay so here's the deal: I made half of this review awhile ago, and don't remember much of anything else at this point, so I'mma just gonna give you half of the movie yay. Also I wanna make a new review, so yah. not quite double whammy, moreso one-and-a-half whammy. without further ado, half of Whisper of the Heart. I may re-edit this at a later date, but here ya go.

Hey, remember when I said I was gonna review Porco Rosso? Yeah, I thought so too until instead I got Whisper of The Heart....yeah I'm disappointed too. Anyways, guess I should get this over with...(111 minutes later) oh my god...that was extremely boring yet compelling at the same head hurts. Seriously, don't be fooled by that cover poster right thar. this movie is more interesting than it is...interesting. its weird. While it isn't directed by good ole' Hayao, he did write it, and yet it seems as if its the opposite. The film seems closer to a regular high school anime than a Miyazaki film. But before I go full-conclusion-mode, lets dive into this.
The movie starts out with a random country song in the background as it pans through apparently Tokyo(please tell me the song is different in the japanese version >_>), as we close in on Ms.Protagonist herself, J.K. Rowli--I mean...Shizuku Tsukishima, a middle school average girl who loves to read and hates studying....wait what? She apparently starts getting books that everytime she does, its always read right before her by the mystery man, Seiji Amasawa. oooooh. Oh yeah and she apparently writes lyrics to songs, including that country song thingy. Anyway, her bestest buddy Candace says that she got a love letter but she has a crush on somebody else! OH THE DRAMA! Protagonist forgets her book and when she comes back, there's a mystery man reading it(gee I wonder who that is) and before giving it to her, suavely states that her lyrics in the song were "even cornier than the original." words that seem to resonate this entire film ironically. Anyway, she is angered by her comment and runs away thinking him as a jerk.
The next morning as she takes a subway, she randomly meets this mysterious cat next to her, who seems to get off the station with her and she decides to completely forget her duties and go off following the strange feline. The cat then leads her to a random neighborhood near an antique store. She goes into this mysterious antique store to meet Mr.KindlyOldWiseManOwnerGuy. He shows her some of the trinkets, including an interesting grandfather clock, and a statue of a gentlemanly cat known as The Baron. She realizes she still needs to bring her groceries home, and bring back her book, however in her hurry to leave, she forgets the groceries at the store. Thankfully, Mysterious Totally-not-Local-Town-Love-Interest comes by on his bike to give it to her, strangely with also Mr. Mystery Cat. The real one not the statue. GAWD. Anyways, before leaving, Mr.Smooth makes another ladies comment that she must eat a lot with all that food in her grocery bag. She is not swayed by this obvious swagger however, and leaves quickly in anger. Later he is angered by the idea that he might be Mr. Seiji Amasawa. oooooh, letting everyone in the library know as well. The next day, after school, apparently Sharpay is found crying because the crush that she had, asked if he could date the guy who made the love letter, which made her cry and even miss a test. Yeah this subplot is confusing, don't worry it ends in a minute. The next day, the crush guy asks Protagonist why Maddie was so upset. She then explains that she had a crush on him, and not the love letter guy. Then in some random subplot twist, the crush guy says he's in love with Protagonist,  making this teen soap opera full circle.

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